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HRM Mcqs

Tests that measure traits, temperament, or disposition are examples of___________?

  • (A)  Manual dexterity tests
  • (B)  Personality tests
  • (C)  Intelligence tests
  • (D)  Work sample tests
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

The most popular method of recruiting applicants to jobs is_________?

  • (A)  Radio and TV advertisement
  • (B)  Corporate website
  • (C)  Employee referral schemes
  • (D)  Commercial job boards
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Which of the following department of an Orqanisation performs the managerial function of matching Orqanisational needs with the skills & abilities of the employees?

  • (A)  Finance department
  • (B)  Marketing department
  • (C)  Production department
  • (D)  Human Resource department
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Why do companies use external job searches instead of internal searches?

  • (A)  Legal requirements
  • (B)  It is less expensive
  • (C)  Companies can add new talent, new ideas to the organization
  • (D)  Orientation time is reduced
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Job analysis produces which of the following, regardless of the technique used?

  • (A)  Benchmarks
  • (B)  Individual interview
  • (C)  Job specifications
  • (D)  Replacement charts
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Submitted By :Ali Uppal

HRM typically provides which of these types of training to temporary employees?

  • (A)  Retirement planning’
  • (B)  Benefits options
  • (C)  Orientation
  • (D)  Career planning and management
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Which one of the following is NOT the advantage of Workforce Diversity?

  • (A)  Increased creativity and flexibility
  • (B)  Decreased problem-solving skills
  • (C)  Multiple perspectives
  • (D)  Greater openness to new ideas
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Using a structured interviewing technique would likely achieve all of the following except___________?

  • (A)  Increased consistency across candidates
  • (B)  Reduced subjectivity on the part of the interviewer
  • (C)  Enhanced job relatedness
  • (D)  More opportunity to explore areas as they arise during the interview
Submitted By :Ali Uppal