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HRM Mcqs

Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Which of the following is not true of the activity known as job analysis?

  • (A)  The rate of pay for the job is fixed.
  • (B)  The job elements are rated in terms such as frequency. of use or amount of time involved
  • (C)  It aims to describe the purpose of a job and the conditions under which it is performed
  • (D)  Jobs are broken into elements such as information required or relations with other people
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Which of the following is a disadvantage of using an executive recruiter?

  • (A)  many contacts in field
  • (B)  adept at contacting candidates who are not on the job market
  • (C)  unfamiliar with company perceptions of ideal candidate
  • (D)  ability to keep identity of firm confidential
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Executive recruiters are also called___________?

  • (A)  head hunters
  • (B)  staffers
  • (C)  alternative staffing companies
  • (D)  contract technical recruiters
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

The advantage of external recruiting is that:___________?

  • (A)  They ensure consistency from opening to closing
  • (B)  They are useful for companies too small to have dedicated recruiters
  • (C)  They are very inexpensive
  • (D)  Time Consuming
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Which of the following is a key HR role as defined by Ulrich et al (2009)?

  • (A)  Personnel administrator
  • (B)  Business ally
  • (C)  Payroll advisor
  • (D)  Organisational geographer
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Which of the following statements most accurately defines human resource management?

  • (A)  Human resource management contributes to business strategy and plays an important role in the implementation of business strategy
  • (B)  Human resource management is an approach to managing people
  • (C)  Human resource management seeks to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a highly committed and capable workforce, using an integrated array of cultural, structural and personnel techniques
  • (D)  Human. resource management focuses on people as the source of competitive advantage
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Successful managers are__________?

  • (A)  Efficient & effective
  • (B)  Strict to employees
  • (C)  Wrong Policy makers
  • (D)  Wrong decision makers
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

The extent to which an employment selection test provides consistent results is known as:__________?

  • (A)  Reliability
  • (B)  Dependability
  • (C)  Consistency
  • (D)  Trustworthiness
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

The number of people hired for a particular job compared to the number of individuals in the applicant pool is often expressed as________?

  • (A)  Application ratio
  • (B)  Recruitment ratio
  • (C)  Selection ratio
  • (D)  Employment ratio
Submitted By :Ali Uppal