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HRM Mcqs

The first step in the human resource planning process is ____________?

  • (A)  Preparing a job analysis
  • (B)  Forecasting future human resource needs
  • (C)  Assessing future demand
  • (D)  Assessing future supply
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

The written statement of the findings of job analysis is called __________?

  • (A)  Job design
  • (B)  Job classification
  • (C)  Job description
  • (D)  Job evaluation
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

The characteristics of human resources are _____________in nature?

  • (A)  Homogeneous
  • (B)  Heterogeneous
  • (C)  Ductility
  • (D)  Stable
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Increasing the number and variety of tasks assigned to a job is called__________?

  • (A)  Job rotation
  • (B)  Job enlargement
  • (C)  Job enrichment
  • (D)  
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Campus Recruiting does not have the advantage of___________?

  • (A)  High Intellectual Capacity
  • (B)  Higher understanding of organization
  • (C)  High level of curiosity
  • (D)  High potential
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Which of the following approach emphasizes the’ effect of psychological &. Social factors on employees’ performance?

  • (A)  Scientific approach
  • (B)  Rational approach
  • (C)  Human relations approach
  • (D)  Systematic approach
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

How can high potential employees be developed for future positions?

  • (A)  internal training
  • (B)  Increasing pal skill
  • (C)  Managing employee
  • (D)  Allowing them to do further studies
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Identify the managerial function’ out of the following functions of HR managers?

  • (A)  Procurement
  • (B)  Development
  • (C)  Organizing
  • (D)  performance appraisal
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Which of the following aptly describes the role of line managers and staff advisors namely HR professionals?

  • (A)  Staff advisers focus more on developing HR programmes while line managers are more involved in the implementation of those programmes
  • (B)  Line managers are concerned more about HR programmes whereas staff advisors are more involved in implementing such programmes
  • (C)  Staff advisors are solely responsible for developing, implementIng and evaluating the HR programmes while line managers are not all involved in any matters concerning HR
  • (D)  Line managers alo~e are responsible for developing, implementing and evaluating the HR programmes while staff advisors are not all involved in any matters concerning HR.
Submitted By :Ali Uppal