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HRM Mcqs

In strategic human resource management, HR strategies are generally aligned with______________?

  • (A)  Business Strategy
  • (B)  Marketing Strategies
  • (C)  Finance strategy
  • (D)  Economic strategy
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Submitted By :Ali Uppal

In the future, HR managers will have to deal with all of the following workforce changes, except

  • (A)  a more racially diverse workforce
  • (B)  a skills shortfall among workers
  • (C)  an abundance of entry level workers
  • (D)  an older workforce
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Career counseling ‘is part of which of the following functions of HRM?

  • (A)  Compensation & benefits
  • (B)  Planning & selection
  • (C)  Training and Development
  • (D)  Maintenance of HRIS
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Once a firm has a pool of applicants, the first step in Pre-screening is the_________?

  • (A)  in-person interview
  • (B)  on-site visit
  • (C)  application form
  • (D)  telephone interview
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Which of the following functions of HRM deals with ‘Collective Bargaining’?

  • (A)  Staffing
  • (B)  Forecasting
  • (C)  Employee-assistance management
  • (D)  Employee relations management
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Which of the following emerged when individuals realized the strength they could gain by joining together to negotiate with employers?

  • (A)  Trade Unions
  • (B)  Human Relation movement
  • (C)  Employment Legislations
  • (D)  Employee relationship Management
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

How often HR planning process is implemented within an Organisation?

  • (A)  Continuously
  • (B)  Annually
  • (C)  Bi-annually
  • (D)  Quarterly
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

HRP stands for___________?

  • (A)  Human resource project
  • (B)  Human resource planning
  • (C)  Human recruitment planning
  • (D)  Human recruitment procedure
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Which Personnel association uses the idea of bundles of integral HRM practices?

  • (A)  European association for personnel management
  • (B)  U.S office of personnel management
  • (C)  Chartered Institute of personnel & development
  • (D)  Association of personnel Service Orqanisations
Submitted By :Ali Uppal