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HRM Mcqs

Which of the following component of attitude represents a person’s opinio’ns knowledge, and information?

  • (A)  Affective component
  • (B)  Cognitive component
  • (C)  Behavioral component
  • (D)  Objective component
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Firing the non-performing employees, HR manager is said to perform the__________?

  • (A)  Interpersonal role
  • (B)  Informational role
  • (C)  Supportive role
  • (D)  Decisional role
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

The process of choosing individuals who have re1evant qualifications to fill existing or projected job openings is__________?

  • (A)  Screening process
  • (B)  Selection process
  • (C)  Interview process
  • (D)  Pre-screeninq process
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

The thorough & detailed study.regarding jobs within an Organisation is represented by:__________?

  • (A)  Job analysis
  • (B)  Job description
  • (C)  Job specification
  • (D)  Job evaluation
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

The interview is used as a method for determining___________?

  • (A)  The personality of the candidate.
  • (B)  The degree ‘of fit between the applicant and the demands of the job.
  • (C)  His/her age.
  • (D)  Physical attributes
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Which of the following would likely be the least effective method of recruiting internal job candidates?

  • (A)  Posting information on Organisational bulletin boards
  • (B)  Examining HR records of current employees
  • (C)  Advertising in national newspapers and journals
  • (D)  Internal Sources
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Submitted By :Ali Uppal

A Competency consists of____________?

  • (A)  The specific tasks a person must do
  • (B)  Skills and behaviours
  • (C)  A list of tests that will measure cognitive ability
  • (D)  Communications and behaviour
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

HR Department maintains _________records.

  • (A)  Employee
  • (B)  Sales
  • (C)  Production
  • (D)  Inventory
Submitted By :Ali Uppal