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HRM Mcqs

In comparing internal selection with external selection, an advantage of internal selection is that____________?

  • (A)  Internal selection requires few procedures to locate and screen viable job candidate
  • (B)  Internal selection presents fewer dangers of inourring legal liability than external selection
  • (C)  There is less need to use multiple predictors in assessing internal candidates than. with external candidates
  • (D)  Information about internal candidates tends to be more verifiable than information about external candidates
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Treating employees as precious human resources is the basis of the__________approach?

  • (A)  Hard HRM
  • (B)  Soft HRM
  • (C)  Medium HRM
  • (D)  Utiliarian approach
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

The biggest problem facing e-HR is the___________?

  • (A)  rarity of HR
  • (B)  diversity of HR
  • (C)  security of HR data
  • (D)  sustainability of HR
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

. The best medium to reach a ‘large audience for the process of recruitment is___________?

  • (A)  Casual applicants
  • (B)  Advertising
  • (C)  Employee referrals
  • (D)  Employment agencies
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Recruitment is widely viewed as a ___________ process?

  • (A)  Positive
  • (B)  Negative
  • (C)  Both Positive and Negative
  • (D)  Unnecessary
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Which of the following role a manager performs as a Resource allocator?

  • (A)  Interpersonal role
  • (B)  Decisional role
  • (C)  Informational role
  • (D)  Supportive role’
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

____________ is the main source of innovations?

  • (A)  Upgraded technology
  • (B)  Human mind
  • (C)  Competitors’ pressure
  • (D)  Research & Development
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Job descriptions are also called as____________?

  • (A)  Task oriented
  • (B)  Task analysis
  • (C)  performance oriented
  • (D)  Credit analysis
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

When planning for employment requirements, what must be forecasted?

  • (A)  Sales desired
  • (B)  Production Scheduled
  • (C)  Inventory
  • (D)  Personnel needs
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Job Enrichment involves____________?

  • (A)  Increases the amount of money employees are paid for completing an unit of work
  • (B)  Is a programme through which management seeks greater productivity from workers
  • (C)  Means that staff i$ moved periodically from task to task in order to increase variety and interest
  • (D)  Involves giving employees work with a greater degree of responsibility and autonomy
Submitted By :Ali Uppal