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HRM Mcqs

Which of the following approach emphasizes the effect of psychological and social factors on employees’ performance?

  • (A)  Scientific approach
  • (B)  Rational approach
  • (C)  Human relations approach
  • (D)  Systematic approach
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Why Organisations provide, attractive salaries, fringe benefits, career development opportunities:

  • (A)  To retain valuable human resources
  • (B)  To be the market leader in the future
  • (C)  To attract more and more people
  • (D)  To enforce government regulations
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Which of the following statement represents ‘effectiveness’ ?

  • (A)  Achieve most output in less time
  • (B)  Achieve mass production
  • (C)  Achieve most output with least input
  • (D)  Achieve Organisational goals
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Submitted By :Ali Uppal

HRM is more___________ whereas Personnel Management is slightly narrow?

  • (A)  Complex
  • (B)  Detailed
  • (C)  Mechanical
  • (D)  Growth-oriented
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

HR managers play vital role in___________?

  • (A)  Setting production targets
  • (B)  Formulating strategies
  • (C)  Publishing financial statements
  • (D)  Preparing reports to shareholders
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Submitted By :Ali Uppal

The HR policy which is based on the philosophy of the utmost good for the greatest number of people is covered under the_____________?

  • (A)  utilitarian approach
  • (B)  approach based on rights
  • (C)  approach based on justice
  • (D)  configurational approach
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Strategic management process usually consists of _________steps.

  • (A)  Four
  • (B)  Five
  • (C)  Six
  • (D)  Seven
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Submitted By :Ali Uppal