The attachment of the Actinomyces species to the tooth surface is facilitated by____________?
Starch is considered to be less cariogenic than monosaccharides and disaccharides because it_______________?
Which of the following is cariogenic ?
Dental caries is associated with_____________?
The corrct order of microscopic zones of dentinal caries starting from the D.E junction is_______________?
The dietary carbohydrate most likely involved in etiology of dental caries in man is____________?
What is the PH at which initiation of caries begin ?
Oral foci of miller’s are seen in_______________?
Smooth surface caries is characterized by spread of caries in enamel and dentin as cones. These alignment in enamel and dentin is____________?
Which tooth in the permanent dentition is the most susceptible to dental caries ?