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Fordyce granules mostly occurs in all of the following area EXCEPT________________?

  • (A)  Vermilion of the lip
  • (B)  Posterior tonsillar pillar
  • (C)  Alveolar ridge
  • (D)  Palate
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Developmental enamel defects are most commonly seen in_______________?

  • (A)  Primary incisors
  • (B)  Primary 2nd molar
  • (C)  Permanent incisors
  • (D)  Permanent 1st molar
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Geographic tongue is of red colour because of________________?

  • (A)  Infiltration of eosinophils
  • (B)  Infiltration of neutrophils
  • (C)  Both of the above
  • (D)  None of the above
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Failure of descent of thyroid analage can be seen in the tongue______________?

  • (A)  In anterior 2/3 of dorsal aspect
  • (B)  In posterior 1/3 of dorsal aspect
  • (C)  Near the base of tongue close to foramen caecum
  • (D)  In anterior 2/3 of inferior surface
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Submitted By :Ali Uppal

The term dilaceration refers to______________?

  • (A)  A deformity of a tooth consisting of a sharp bend bend in the root
  • (B)  Abrasions on two surfaces of single tooth
  • (C)  A root or tooth that is split into two
  • (D)  A tooth that is fractured at two or more places
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Which of the following features are of naso alveolar cyst_______________?

  • (A)  An avoid shaped radiolucency above the lateral incisor and canine teeth
  • (B)  Erosion of base above lateral incisor and canine teeth
  • (C)  An inverted funnel shaped radiolucent lesion above the roots of lateral incisor and canine teeth
  • (D)  A pear shaped radiolucent lesion between roots of lateralincisor and canine teeth
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Which of the following is a soft tissue cyst which do not produce any radiographic changes______________?

  • (A)  Nasolabial cyst
  • (B)  Nasopalatine cyst
  • (C)  Mid alveolar cyst
  • (D)  Palatine cyst
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Taurodontism is seen in ________________?

  • (A)  Klinefelter’s syndrome
  • (B)  Sturge weber syndrome
  • (C)  Down syndrome
  • (D)  Turner syndrome
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Most common site for melanotic neuroectodermal tumour of infancy is (MNTI)_______________?

  • (A)  Maxila
  • (B)  Mandible
  • (C)  Ethmoid bone
  • (D)  Cervical spine
Submitted By :Ali Uppal