True generalized microdontia is characterized by______________?
A deep pit lined by enamel seen in the lingual surface of Maxillary lateral incipor is most likely to be_______________?
Which of the following lesions does not give blood on aspiration_______________?
Absence of pulp chambers is seen in_______________?
The most common supernumerary tooth form is______________?
Fordyce’s spots are________________?
Hypoplastic defects in permanent central and lateral incisors are likely to result due to severe illness or other factors during_______________?
Gardner syndrome does not include______________?
Amelogenesis imperfecta is a disorder of_____________?
A 7-year old child having yellowish discoloured spot of maxillary central incisor. His mother presents a history of injury to deciduous tooth 3 years back with recurrent infection & swelling. The diagnosis is_______________?