What is defined as a financial security note issued by business or corporation and by the government as a means of borrowing long-term fund ?
What is the type of annuity that does not have a fixed time span but continues indefinitely or forever ?
What is defined as the certificate of indebtedness of corporation usually for a period not less than 10 years and guaranteed by a mortgage on certain assets of a corporation ?
The object of photo-interpretation is__________________?
Remote sensing techniques make use of the properties of ______________ emitted, reflected or diffracted by the sensed objects?
The altitudinal distance of a geostationary satellite from the earth is about_________________?
Due to scan geometry of a satellite sensor____________________?
Which one of the following parameters is accurate for DGPS ?
What refers to the present worth of the probable future net earnings ?
What is defined as the investment of loan or principal which is based not only on the original amount of the loan or principal but the amount of loaned or principal plus the previous accumulated interest ?