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Chemistry Mcqs

Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Which of the following properties prove that cathode rays are material in nature_________________?

  • (A)  they cast shadow
  • (B)  they possess momentum
  • (C)  they are negatively charged
  • (D)  all of the above
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Paramagnetic behaviour of substance is measured by a balance called___________________?

  • (A)  Analytical balance
  • (B)  Guoys balance
  • (C)  Electrical balance
  • (D)  Single beam balance
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Metallic crystals are soluble in________________?

  • (A)  Polar solvent
  • (B)  Non polar solvent
  • (C)  Fused metal
  • (D)  None
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Butyl chloride gives possible isomers ?

  • (A)  2
  • (B)  3
  • (C)  4
  • (D)  5
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Which of the following solids show anisotropy___________________?

  • (A)  Plastic
  • (B)  Glass
  • (C)  Rubber
  • (D)  None of the above
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

The rectified spirit is________________?

  • (A)  12% alcohol
  • (B)  90% alcohol
  • (C)  95% alcohol
  • (D)  100% alcohol
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

As a substance moves from a solid to a liquid all of the following changes occur except ?

  • (A)  molecules become more disordered.
  • (B)  K.E of the molecules decreases
  • (C)  intermolecular forces become weaker.
  • (D)  molecules move more frequently.
Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Submitted By :Ali Uppal

Methyl alcohol is not used as___________________?

  • (A)  a solvent
  • (B)  an anti freezing agent
  • (C)  a substitute for petrol
  • (D)  for denaturing of ethyl alcohol
Submitted By :Ali Uppal