A child is brought with drowsiness, decreased deep tendon reflexes and seizures. On examination the child has a blue line on gums. There is history of constipation. Which will be most appropriate drug that should be used in this child ?
All of the following are tocolytic except_______________?
Which of the following is a mismatch ?
A biological experiment in which one compares the effects of two preparations by means of common biological response is known a_____________?
Mandibular sublaxation is associated with________________?
The drug Amifostine is used in subjects undergoing radiotherapy for cancer as it________________?
A child has phocomelia, this impliments his mother had taken which of the following medication during pregnancy______________?
Not true about penicillin G is______________?
Which of the following drugs is least efficacious in the treatment of cemporal lobe epilepsy ?
The most common type of epilepsy in children is________________?