Swollen joint, anemic, loose teeth & dentin dysplasia are because of deficiency of___________?
Brown tumours are seen in_____________?
Normal serum calcium level is______________?
Which of the following is related to an enzyme deficiency and involves periodontal destruction around primary teeth______________?
The deficiency of which of the following vitamins does not effect on tooth development______________?
Addison’s disease is related to________________?
Dinesh, a 24-year old male, complains of loose teeth in a single quardrant. His radiograph shows irregular bone loss and histopathology reveals eosinophils and histiocytes. The most probable diagnosis is______________?
Which of the following deficiencies are associated with the disorders of hyperplasia of salivary gland and keratinisation of the salivary gland______________?
Deficiency of which of the following will cause enamel hypoplasia ?
Gingiva is most commonly affected by deficiency of_____________?