Which of the following is associated with HIV infection________________?
Inflammation of the dorsal root ganglion and vesicular eruption of the skin and mucous membrane in area supplied by a sensory nerve that is affected in characteristic of_____________?
The reason why most patients suffering from recurrent herpes labialis rarely give a history of having acute form of the herpetic gingivastomatitis is because_____________?
Which of the following medications shortens the recovery period of primary Herpetic gingivostomatitis ?
All about herpangina are false except_______________?
Oral hairy leukoplakia is seen in AIDS patients. The most likely site of appearance is_______________?
Glossodynia is_____________?
Magenta tongue is found in the deficiency of the vitamin_____________?
The syndrome of geographic tongue should be treated by_____________?
Leutic glossitis can occur in connection with_____________?