What is the functional form of anterior teeth from the mesial or the distal aspect ?
Which line angle area is most acute when a permanent maxillary second molar is viewed occlusally ?
The maxillary molar crown of an early fossil primate featured a trigone made of three main cusps, these cusps were_____________?
The lingual cusp of lower first premolar is compared to the development of____________?
The geometric outline of the buccal surface of posterior teeth are_______________?
Fourth canal is present in_____________?
The permanent mandibular second molar differs from the permanent mandibular first molar in number of ______________?
If the pulp of a single rooted tooth canal were triangular in cross section with the base of the triangle located facially and the apex lingually with a longer mesial side than distal side; the tooth most likely is_____________?
The most constant and valuable trait to differentiate among maxillary first, second and third molars i____________?
Which of the following has a nonfunctional cusp ?