During oral examination of a 57-year old man a large keratotic patch that covers the entire palate is noted some Red Spots are also seen in the patch The patient most likely is a____________?
Which of the following has been implicated due to sunlight_____________?
Which of the following viruses are not implicated in human malignancies______________?
Hemosiderin pricticles are seen histologically in case of_____________?
Which of the following is NOT true of sturge Weber syndrome ?
Which of the following conditions is characterized by cafe-au-lait spots, non-encapsulation and potential for malignant transformation___________?
The most common malignancy of the oral cavity is______________?
Which of the following statement is true ?
In which of the following conditions pulsations or murmur may be detected ______________?
Numbness of lip seen with no previous dental treatment ______________?