Histochemical demonstration of glycogen in the cells can help in the diagnosis of_________________?
Diffuse erythema (pinpoint petechiae) and white patches in smoker’s palate occur due to________________?
Definitive diagnosis of oral cancer is made by________________?
The following lesion is a doubtful premalignant lesion for oral malignancy________________?
Plasma cell tumour of bones with B-lymphocytic origin is ______________?
Neoplastic transformation in leucoplakia is seen most commonly in _____________?
Clear cells are seen in__________________?
A patient with carinoma cheek has tumor of 2.5 cms located close to and involving the lower alveolus. A single mobile homolateral node measuring node measuring 6 cm is palpable. Based on these clinical findings TNM stage of the tumor is______________?
Commonest site of carcinoma of tongue____________?
Brachytherapy means ___________?