A patient with fibrous dysplasia can be treated by________________?
In a 60 year old adult, which of the following diseases causes expansile maxillary lesions ?
Transformation into osteosarcoma is seen with________________?
A 15 years old boy reports with a rapidly growing swelling of the mandible with intermittent pain patient history is that the swelling occurred after an episode of trauma Radiographs reveal formation of new subperiosteal bone producing Onion skin appearance The patient also has lip paresthesia elevated white blood cell count Based on the clinical and radiographic picture, one of the following condition could be considered in the provisional diagnosis_________________?
Paget’s disease of bone is a chronic disease of the________________?
A patient aged 50 years presented with a history of jaw expansion and enlargement of maxilla_____________?
The granulomatous tissue that is responsible for destruction of articular surfaces of TMJ in rheumatoid arthritis is known as________________?
Mutation in GNAS 1 gene is associated with________________?
Amber coloured tooth traslucency, blue sclerae and bone fragility and a history of pervious bone fractures are characteristic findings in_____________?
Normal serum, Ca nd alkaline PO4 are in________________?